Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hooray for Thanksgiving

The students did a great job performing, "Hooray for Thanksgiving". This is a video that was taken during our practice on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Hoseney will also be uploading a video of both classes performing on stage.

Thanksgiving Feast

Here are the photos I took at our Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday. Thanks to all the families that contributed food for this special event.


Unit 4 Math Expressions

Next week we start Unit 4 in our Math Expressions Program. Here are the links for extra practice at home.

Unit 4 Lessons 1-3
Unit 4 Lessons 4-7
Unit 4 Lessons 8-13
Unit 4 Lessons 14-17
Unit 4 Lesson 18

Monday, November 9, 2015

Thanksgiving Feast

Thanks to everyone who has signed up to contribute items for our upcoming Thanksgiving Feast. We could still use a few more turkeys, mashed potatoes and salads. The link to the document is below.

Thanksgiving Feast

Unit 11 Spelling Words - test will be given on Friday, 11/13/15

1st Grade Spelling Words – Unit 11
Short vowel words with consonant clusters

Basic Words
  1. ant
  2. jump
  3. tent
  4. bump
  5. lamp
  6. went
Sight Words
  1. want
  2. or
  3. were

Extra Credit Words

  1. pants
  2. number
  3. thanks
  4. bumpy
  5. thankful