Friday, February 23, 2018

Unit 27 Spelling Words - for test on Friday, March 2

Unit 27 Spelling Words
Words with long "a" spelled with ai or ay

Basic Words
  1. play
  2. say
  3. sail
  4. mail
  5. may
  6. rain
  7. way
  8. day
  9. stay
  10. pain

Sight Words
  1. too
  2. soon
  3. hear

Extra Credit Words
  1. today
  2. painted
  3. away
  4. playing
  5. maybe

Newsletter February 23

Click the link below to view the newsletter for February 23.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Unit 26 Spelling Words - for test on Friday, February 23

Unit 26 Spelling Words
Mixed long and short vowel words

Basic Words
  1. mad
  2. made
  3. hop
  4. hope
  5. pin
  6. pine
  7. bit
  8. bite
  9. hid
  10. hide

Sight Words
  1. girl
  2. boy
  3. house

Extra Credit Words
  1. biting
  2. hidden
  3. hiding
  4. homemade
  5. hopping

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Monday, February 12, 2018

Unit 25 Spelling Words - for test on Friday, February 16

Unit 15 Spelling Words
(Mixed long vowel words ending with silent "e")

Basic Words
  1. same
  2. line
  3. stone
  4. smile
  5. note
  6. side
  7. wake
  8. woke
  9. wide
  10. wave

Sight Words
  1. love
  2. any
  3. many
Extra Credit Words
  1. coming
  2. beside
  3. space
  4. grace
  5. smiling

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018

Unit 23 Spelling Words - for test on Friday, February 9

Unit 23 Spelling Words
(words with the long "e" sound)

Basic Words
  1. he
  2. see
  3. she
  4. tree
  5. me
  6. feet
  7. we
  8. be
  9. green
  10. peek

Sight Words
  1. good
  2. back
  3. into

Extra Credit Words
  1. knee
  2. sweetly
  3. sleeping
  4. sweeping
  5. sleepy

Sunday, February 4, 2018