Sunday, April 16, 2017

Unit 32 Spelling Words - for test on Friday, 3/21/17

1st Grade Spelling Words – Unit 32
ow” and “oa” can make the long “o” sound.
  • If there is a consonant sound at the end of the word, use “oa”.
  • If the long “o” sound is the very last sound you hear, use “ow.”

Basic Words
  1. slow
  2. grow
  3. show
  4. blow
  5. snow
  6. boat
  7. coat
  8. low
  9. goat
  10. road

Sight Words
  1. far
  2. year
  3. does
Extra Credit Words
  1. below
  2. throat
  3. pillow
  4. window
  5. coach